
Inspired & Inspiring: Avery Gillyard ’19


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While Johnson & Wales has inspired Avery Gillyard '19, the College of Business student has also inspired so many around him at the North Miami campus. It’s often that way at JWU, where students bring a wide array of inspired and inspiring stories to their campuses and their peers.

“I wanted to come down to this beautiful Miami area,” he says. “I called Johnson & Wales. I took my initiative, did some research on the business and entrepreneurship program, and I’m a huge advocate for diversity, being able to connect with other cultures, ethnicities, and Johnson & Wales provided that.”

Working for the Miami Super Bowl Host Committee as a Community Outreach Coordinator, Gillyard quickly became in integral part of the Business Connect & Community Outreach team.

“Avery has really transformed into a seasoned professional,” says V.P. Rashad D. Thomas. "Actually, as I tell people at many of the business connect information sessions, I’m just the face. Avery is the program.”